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CLI Specification

BCL ( Base class library )- 

A library is a set of reusable functionalities every programming language have predefined library to consume under them in the same languages are all so provided with library which or not separate for each .net language here all the languages of .net will be consuming a single set of libraries is known as base class library that are implemented in C# language .

BCl is the best example for language interoperability which is possible among .netlanguages

VES ( virtual executing system ) – 

All high level .net languages after compilation generate the same type of code known as CIL code , which can be carried executed on any machine provided an OS specific virtual execution system is available that converts IL code into Machine code according to OS and hard ware .

VES is responsible and providing OS independency for CIL code Following the CLI specification, Microsoft has implemented Framework for windows operating system and MONO has implemented the framework for few other machine like UNIX, LINEX, SUN SOLARIS, MAC-OS etc . , MONO is a suppository of Novell networks. .Net is theoretically 100% platform independent but practical implementation of the framework is available only for few machine.

Framework version – 

Microsoft has launched the framework in to the market in the year 2000 and 1.0 BETA 1 and again in 2001 1.0 BETA 2 has been launched and finally in 2002 the first RTM version 1.0 is launched in to the market


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