Basic of .NET Language
Q1. Some difference b/w CPP, .NET and JAVA.
Ans – CPP source code -> compiled -> machine Code
(Platform dependent language) all the languages before 90’s are platform dependent
JAVA (platform independent) source code-> compiled -> byte codes (semi finished code)
Byte code-> JVM -> Machine code
.NET language (platform independent)
Source code-> compiled -> CIL Code-> CLR -> machine code
it is a package which contains various things in it, that are used for application development like
1. Languages - 20 diff language in .net like VB.NET ,C#.NET , J#.NET etc
2. Technologies – there is two technologies are used ,
ASP.NET – for web applications
Ado.NET – mediator for languages and database
3. Server – every application required server.
Data base server - SQL server
Web server - ILS
Portal server - share point server
Integration server - BizTalk
.NET is used for development of various kind of applications
Like – 1 desktop application
- Character user interface (CUI)
- Graphical user interface ( GUI)
2 Web applications
3 mobile applications
Microsoft .NET comes into existence to resolve the drawbacks of its own traditional technology COM (computer object model) which is existing in 90’s.